SaaS recurring revenue streams

SaaS recurring revenue streams

How business and operating model ensures the success of a SaaS recurring revenue strategy

SaaS sales

Relationship between value proposition, costs and SaaS revenue streams.

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Revenue streams - Our motivation and goals

:: our motivation

How closely the value proposition and features link to the operating costs and cloud resources only becomes apparent during operation, which then costs much more than expected. For example, Device A sends data to the cloud every 60 seconds for trend analysis. In contrast, Device B collects the data over the course of a day and sends it every 24 hours. Consequently, the cloud storage costs for A are 1440 times higher than for B.

We want to protect customers whose costs for a cloud solution are higher than the industry-standard subscription fees and whose recurring revenues are therefore not sufficient to cover the costs or do not allow for a sustainable business model.

:: our solution

As part of the business modeling, we outline an abstract model of the microservices without needing specific platform knowledge. Using iClients from m2sphere, we stimulate the system in a user-oriented manner and carry out a simulation based on operating model and the target platform (e.g. Microsoft Azure). As a result, we provide facts answering the following questions:
  • How high are the operating costs?
  • Does the solution scale as desired?
  • How to configure the platform resources?

:: our vision

We want to use our expertise to develop a toolset that helps all companies secure their digital business model and SaaS recurring revenue strategy in a cost-efficient and scalable way. Moreover, we are doing everything we can to ensure that our solution becomes an elementary part of the tool chain for the automated infrastructure deployment of modern Software-as-a-Service solutions.

  • Model-based generated infrastructure code and automatic provision of the required cloud resources.

Our approach ensures SaaS recurring revenue that works

We often find that business modeling is seen as a one-off activity. In our view, however, it is an iterative, incremental process that leads to successive enrichment and validation. Regardless of the method used for modeling, the value proposition, revenues streams, and costs always play a central role.

However, as the digital transformation example of central heating has shown, operating costs are difficult to estimate at an early stage and therefore represent a major risk for the Saas recurring revenue strategy.

Learn more about steps 2 & 3 >>

SaaS recurring revenue strategy by a business model Canvas is shown to ensure sales success.
Business Model Canvas Example

If you would like to take a closer look at Business Model Canvas examples, we have put together a few links for you.

<1>   |   <2>   |   <3>   |  <4>

1.Business model


Business modeling is the most important step in any business (e.g., as example canvas). Moreover, we can help with many things, but the most important asset – knowledge of the industry and customer needs – comes from you!

2.Value proposition


The same also applies to the value proposition as a central element of any business model. Specifically, it describes the unique value of a product or service for the customer’s purchase decision.

3.Solution modeling


This is where we come into play and can help to transfer the value proposition into an operating model. Consequently, this allows us to determine the scalability and operating costs for single features and the entire range of functions.

4.Revenues vs. Costs


This enables a comparison of SaaS revenue streams versus costs. Subsequently, the findings are incorporated into the business model. If required, a new optimization run can be carried out.

1 min.

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Operating model - SaaS recurring revenues vs. expenses

We transfer the planned features of the business model piece by piece into an operating model and enrich them with data. Consequently, this makes it possible to simulate them immediately. For instance, the easiest way to explain this is with an example. Let’s take an energy management system for a private home, consisting of a photovoltaic system with included battery storage. The customers can use an app to view an energy balance graph with a sampling rate of 1 minute to see what their system is producing, the state of charge and what electricity is currently being consumed. The data is persisted on a storage in Microsoft Azure.

Don’t worry too much about why there are so many resource icons in the graph, the toolset will help you with that. Now, let’s explore different ideas on when to transfer the data and what the annual cost implications are, given that 10,000 storage operations cost 0.081 USD for 50,000 installations.

Model visualization

The annual costs for data storage, excluding other expenses in this example, amount to USD 212,868.

The system transmits a data package containing 60 data records once per hour. As a result, the annual costs amount to USD 3,548.

Once a day, the system transfers a data package containing 1140 data records. It is also assumed that 30% of users open the mobile app once a day for 5 minutes, with the data being updated every minute. As a result, the annual costs amount to USD 370.

Of course, the case study, especially the minute-by-minute transmission, is somewhat contrived and can easily be determined by calculation. Nevertheless, it shows that minor unfortunate design decisions can have very large effects that only become apparent during operation. Consequently, these can have a very negative impact on SaaS sales success and recurring revenue.

Tools from the major providers:

For simple cost estimates, the pricing calculators from Azure, Google and AWS are a useful support, but as soon as dynamic relationships, databases or processing times are involved, these tools are far from sufficient.

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Azure vs AWS vs Google Cloud - How to choose the right cloud provider

Azure vs AWS vs Google Cloud?

Choosing a cloud provider is a crucial step for companies that want to move their services to the cloud. This process requires careful consideration of various factors that influence the efficiency, security, cost and scalability of cloud services. This article examines not only general selection criteria, but also highlights the specific strengths and example use cases of leading Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) providers AWS, Azure and Google Cloud. With real-world insights and case studies, the article provides a valuable decision-making tool to give readers an in-depth understanding of the unique benefits of each platform and help them choose the right cloud provider for their organization.

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